Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Socratic Poetry?

What did you glean from the poetry discussion?  What comments were memorable?  Reflections?  Criticism?  Analysis?  Please respond in class on 1-19-10.


Claudia D said...

During our Socratic Seminar, the idea of a shift change came up in our discussion. In the beginning of the poem "Fifteen" by William Stafford, the man who gets in a motorcycle accident is helpless and in bad shape. By the end of the poem, a fifteen year old boy helps him get up and dust himself off. The man is able to get back on his motorcycle and ride off. This indicates a shift change because the tone of the poem moves from helpless to hopeful.

AmandaA said...

During our conversation we discussed how we could kind of relate to the boy in the story that helped the other man that got in the accident and we can relate to him because we are all close to his age. We also agreed that there was a shift in this poem because at first the man in the accident was helpless and then the boy came along and helped him get back on the motorcycle and without the 15 year old boy the man would've been very helpless.

Cassie M said...

We discussed the Poem Fifteen, by William Stafford. I was confused on ho w the fifteen year old was driving the motorcycle. Someone clarified that there were two people, the motorcycle driver and the fifteen year old boy who helped the motor-cycler. We also discussed the shift in the poem as well. After this discussion I understand the poem better and what happened in it.

Kristen said...

I learned the deeper meaning of the poem, and a different way to look at it. Listing to other people reflect on what they thing about the poem and how they look at thing really help to expand your own thinking process and how you looked at the poem. When I was first reading it, I though of the poem more happening in the moment, but when other people were talking and moving the conversation around, it brought me to thinking that maybe it was in the past, when the man was thinking back to when he was fifteen

Erin C. said...

In our conversation, we talked about why a 15 year old would be riding a motorcycle. Then we looked further into the plot and noticed that the 15 year old didn't ride the motorcycle, he just saved another man who had crashed on his motorcycle. We talked about how the kid is close to our age and how that would impact us. I think it would be scary to find a crashed motorcycle on the side of a road and an injured man over the rail.

Anonymous said...

Our group talked about 15. I think that it is talking about how a 15 year old boy wants a motorcycle and it day dreaming about it. Then in the last stanza it shifts to be when he him self own the motorcycle and gets in a wreck and how someone came to help him and then he was fine and road away.

squintcrwoley said...

Fifteen by William Stafford
This poem still stays confusing. i don't understand what the author is describing but think it is the motorcycle. But at the same time i don't know if he is describing the motorcycle or him wanting a motorcycle and his first time riding one...But he is fifteen so i think the author is assuming that every fifteen year old wants a motorcycle but they don't understand on how dangerous it really is.

Erin K said...

We talked about the poem Fifteen by William Stafford and personally I thought it was confusing. We talked about how there is a shift in the poem where the guy that got inn a motorcycle accident is kinda helpless and then when the fifteen year old boy helps him he is able to drive away from the accident.

AbbyJH said...

In this discussion I realized my previous interpretation of the poem Fifteen was not correct. Because of this discussion I now know that the poem is about a young boy dreaming about getting a motorcycle and then eventually getting one later in life. Everyone had really great things to say and we all really annotated the poem together. Digging deeper than just the surface and finding the true meaning.

FlynneM said...

I feel like this story is about a boy that was daydreaming about how it would be to ride the motorcycle like the one he found on the side of the road. Then he has to go back to reality and when he does he has a bad awakening by finding the real driver on the ground hurt. I think that he ends up really wanting one!

Clare B. said...

During the discussion there was a lot of confusion of who the narrator was in Fifteen. In the first three stanzas the narrator was the owner of the motorcycle who flipped over on a rail. In the last stanza, however, the narrator is a fifteen year old boy who finds him and helps him back to his bike so he can get help.

Anna S said...

I think we can relate to this poem because we are all either close to fifteen or already fifteen. However, we all agree it is a very confusing poem. I think if we had more time we would be able to come up with a better conclusion of this poem.

Molly L said...

"Fifteen" by William Stafford, is about a young boy who helps a helpless man who just crashed on his motorcycle. The shift in this poem happens when the boy finds the the man and helps him back up on his motorcycle and he drives away. Inside this poem, there is also imagery like when the boy sees pulsing gleams, and shiny flanks.

Carly I said...

during our discussion there was some confusion about what was happening in the poem, but when we talked about it, it cleared the picture so i thought that was a good question that leaded up to the rest of our discussion about the poem fifteen. from this i thought we gained a better understanding of what the author was thinking and getting to.

Danielle Z said...

My group was going over the poem "Fifteen" by William Stafford. Basically all of us hadn't completely understood the poem so we were trying to go over it and understand what had really happened to the boy that is narrating the poem. What really bugged me in the poem was how the author kept repeating i was fifteen at the end of each stanza. I felt that it took away from the story that he was trying to tell and it was just annoying to read. I wanted to know what was going to happen next with the boy and the guy in the motorcycle and i didnt want to have to keep getting told that the guy is fifteen.

BrittneeA said...

I agree with all the comments made. The one that stuck out the most was probable the one about daydreaming.The boy could have been dreaming about the bike. Also the grass could have been the one being personified. I think that the author made this poem hard to comprehend so that it would make people think a little more.

AmeliaS said...

our Socratic seminar was about the poem Fifteen by William Stafford. it mostly confused us at first but once we all worked together we came to two different conclusions. one being the narrator was a fifteen year old boy day dreaming about having a motorcycle but finding the bloody mess of that certain biker. the second was a conclusion where the motorcycle acted as the inanimate object in the personification poem where its telling of its spill over the edge of the bridge.
Both conclusions can be validated by the text in different ways, personally i believe maybe the bridge its self is the personification of how many accidents it has encountered

Emily R. said...

The poem "Fifteen" by William Stanford does not really make sense to me but what i made of it was that, there is a guy riding a motorcycle and he crashes and is thrown from the bike. A fifteen year old boy finds the motorcycle and picks it up, he then goes and helps the man that got in the accident. The man then gets back on his bike and rides away. I think the poem was to calm for what it was talking about.

Hope173 said...

A lot of the same people talked but they added new ideas each time they said something, so that was good. Also, I think that most of the conversation was confusing because we were all confused on a certain poem called Fifteen by William Stafford so no confusion was really cleared up throughout the conversation. We all just pretty much added our own comments and then each person added their thoughts to that. Also, everyone for the most part agreed with each others thoughts and comments.

LexieC said...

During our Socratic Seminar, we discussed the poem, "Fifteen" by William Stafford. I think that this poem talks about their most cherished memory from when this person was fifteen. The repetition in the poem i think adds purpose and gives the poem structure and defines. We talked about shift and how it was when the man was able to get back up on his bike. I however think that the shift was when the story changed from the motorcycle to the man.

Ellen B said...

What I realized from this discussion is that several items in the poem, "Fifteen" by William Stafford could have personification. I originally thought it was just the motorcycle, but after the discussion, I realized that the smaller parts of the motorcycle were highlighted (ticking engine, pulsing gleam of metal), not the motorcycle as a whole. One memorable comment was said by Hannah F. She said that maybe the person he helped out was himself in the future. I really thought this connected a lot of the questions I had (Why he kept saying he was fifteen...). Afterwards, the poem made a lot more sense. I think the main character was considering the possibilities if he had his own motorcycle.

Rae.A said...

During the in class seminar, we went over the poem "fifteen". we talked about how the bike was 15 and an inanimate object and how a boy helped a man who had an accident while riding his bike when he was 15 and wanted a bike.

Caitlin N said...

Our discussion in class was about the poem Fifteen. We talked about what it meant because most of us were really confused about the meaning of the poem. You can't tell what it's personalizing because it sounds like it is personalizing a person, but that doesn't make since because that's not personification. Then we figured they could be talking about the motorcycle, but in the last paragraph it sounds like a person again so the poem is just confusing. Hannah said she thinks she is talking about his dream when he was fifteen, and the shift is when he talks about real life.

LeslieH said...

In my discussion we talked mostly about the poem "15." In our group we were confused by the fact that this poem is suppose to be personification, but we were not sure on who's view it was coming from. We assume it was in a 15 year old boy's point of view, but we were not sure. We also talked about the shift in the 4th stanza and how it did not go well in the poem and just made the poem more confusing and difficult to understand. In the end, my opinion is that there is a 15 year old boy helping up a man, who was in a accident. I also think the accident happened in a small town because of the 3rd stanza were it says the line about meeting the sky on seventeenth.

Hannah F said...

During our discussion the ideas that he was daydreaming, describing what every 15 year old boy wants, and that he stole someone's bike all came up. I believe that the poem "Fifteen" is about a boy who is 15 dreaming about what it would be like to own a motorcycle or how it felt to ride one. But then in the stanza that begins, "Thinking, back farther in the grass..." he describes himself in that stanza. He tells how he looked when he crashed.

Kristi S. said...

In our seminar nobody really said much but i did get a few other ideas about the poem Fifteen. Some said that maybe the poet wanted a motorcycle when he was fifteen. The poet could have been daydreaming about a motorcycle of his own then had to go help somebody with a motorcycle crash. Another was that maybe the poet was saying that every fifteen year boy wants a motorcycle. In my opinion the author had a motorcycle when he was fifteen and crashed it. Weather we guessed correctly or not about the poem it is still confusing to me.

GingerW said...

During the poetry seminar our group basically anylized the poem Fifteen by William Stafford. Many of the comments included whether the poem related to a motorcycle accident or whether the poem related to the motorcycle itself. Overall this was a pretty hard poem to talk about because there were a lot of open ended questions.

Alana W said...

In our seminar me discussed Fifteen by William Stafford. I think it was basically about a boy who finds a motorcycle and really likes and imagines what it would be like to ride one, and for most of the poem the motorcycle, butt towards the end the boy finds the person who it belongs to, and thats where the poem shifts, it starts talking about the rider and how hes able to just get up and ride away.

~Nouhad E. said...

In our seminar circle, we were discussing the poem Fifteen by William Stafford. In the fourth stanza, our group was confused on what that meant.

" Thinking back farther into the grass i found the owner, just coming to, where he had flipped over the rail. He had blood on his hand, was pale. I helped him walk to his machine. He ran his hand over it, called me good man, roared away."

I think that this line is talking about a man, who got into an accident, and the fifteen year old boy is helping him back to the mans motorcycle. The man told him he was a good person, and then the man left.

Madisonw said...

in our discussion in class we talked about the poem "fifteen." We talked about how in the poem the owner of the motorcycle fell off his bike and the young fifteen year old helped the man back on his bike, what really confused me was how the poem was meant to be a personification poem but to me i didnt see any.

KelseyM. said...

During our discussion we looked more closely at the poem "fifteen"by William Stafford. One of the conclusions we had came to was that there was a shift in the mood of each stanza. At the start of the poem the mood was pretty doubtful and it seemed like the man was kinda helpless. Once he crashed it might have seemed like the last straw for him but the fifteen year old came over to help him. He gave him hope that everything turned around because by the boy being there to help it seems like it was supposed to be that way to watch over the man and his motorcycle.