Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Are You Thinking?

What does the Did You Know 2.0? presentation make you think about? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 28th, 2009.


squintcrwoley said...

The Did you know 2.0 presentation made me thing about on how fast are world is growing and how many others there are out there that dont have as much as i do. It showed me how are human minds are growing and exploding with creativity and amazing things we may have to look forward. What ever that maybe. It mayed me think on how great we have it and what lies ahaed of us

Danielle Z said...
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Danielle Z said...

The Did you know 2.0 made me think about how there is so much that we didnt know just 20 years ago that we know now. It showed me that we as humans have been able to expand technology fast and that there is so much more things that we will know and learn in just a couple years that we dont know now. It made me think about how what i know now could change in just a couple years. Academically by the time i get to college i will probably expect there to be different courses and jobs available that arent availible now. Everything is expanding fast and i think that whatever happenes in the future it can just help better us.
English 9
Period 1

Molly L said...

Did you know 2.0 really made me think about what is going on around me. Such as how fast our world is developing, the new ideas people are coming up with everyday, and where we will be in 20 years. exploring new possibilities, and experimenting with technology will get us pretty far. the world is changing very fast, and we need to keep up with it. what is going to be the next step in our lives?

Anna2013 said...

The video we watched in class is an absolute wake up call! It encouraged me to enjoy what I have. The video showed many stats on what other children and teens around the world have and many dont have a computer or even know what a computer is. Also it encouraged me too soak in our world and enjoy it because the world is changing and that doesnt always mean positively!

Hannah F said...

The Did You Know 2.0 made me think about how different now than it was a few years ago. Everything about our world 10 years ago is different, everyone around the world is growing and changing. Its weird to think about how many things will change in just 5 years. When we graduate, jobs and education my be totally different. The things we learn in school might not be helpful to us anymore. There is no way to know what will happen.

LexieC said...

The Did you Know 2.0 presentation made me think about so much. It made me think about how the world is growing so fast. It made me think about how we are moving into an age of technology. It made me think about how we need to be prepared for this new age. It made me think about what our world will be like in this new age. This new age is coming fast and it made me think about how much we need to be prepared.

Autumn S said...

I was thinking about the video. It made me think about how fast the world is growing by tech stuff.

Claudia D said...

Did You know 2.0 was a powerful video that made me think about the rapid technological growth of our generation. The facts and statistics were mind blowing and informational. It gave us a basis on what to expect in the future.

AbbyH said...

The Did You Know 2.0 presentation made me think about how much resources we can get from online today than back in the early times. I did not know much of the stuff that was shown on the presentation until it was shown. This might impact my academics and view of the world by how much time I might spend on the computer and my safety.

Caitlin N said...

The video Did you know 2.0? impacts me on what you really have to think about and what the future and present might hold. It makes me contemplate about what the world might look like for my children, and their children. How much electronic technology we have now amazes me to when my parents were kids and had to use type writers and start over if they made a mistake. It also makes me sad about what might happen in the future with too much technology. And with the resources we have with internet, TV, calculators, video chats and everything that will make us more obese in the future. What will happen to health when people don't get fresh air every once and a while. It just makes me think how big the future will change.

Ellen B said...

The Did you Know 2.0 video really made me realize how fast the world is increasing, population and technology wise. I also realized how much more we are beginning to understand different countries and cultures. By learning a language, or studying different countries, we are able to connect with people of different backgrounds around the world. This presentation helps you understand how fast our world is changing and puts things into perspective. It's crazy to think that jobs are still being invented. It's also scary to think that technology is exceeding the human brain. It's hard to understand that there is still yet technology out there waiting to be discovered. This video really opened my eyes to the endless possibilities that still exist.

AbbyJH said...

The Did you know 2.0 really made me think about how much influence technology has on our lives. One thing that really stood out to me was that really poor kids in Africa, who have nothing, are getting computers and are basically connected to the world. The internet is an amazing place for people all over the world to connect. It will be so cool to watch technology improve even more.

~Nouhad E. said...

The Did You Know 2.0 video by Mr.Fisch made me think about our great technology. It also reminded me of the new improvements in technology and in the number of people who use electronics and technology. I think our world has better technology then it had back then. Also, people in other nations worldwide don't have computers etc...

I also thought about what would life be in the future? Will we have vast technology improvements or not?

I think EVERYONE should enjoy what they have and not complain about anything.

Hope173 said...

Did You Know 2.0? was very powerful! I think that the US is very advanced in technology, which can be good and bad. But in this case it is bad because most people take advatage of it. If we would spend more time learning and focusing on important things, not like texting, facebooking, or any of that, I think the US would be just as smart, or very close to as smart as every other country!

Chloe D said...

The “Did You Know 2.0?” presentation made me think about how the United States is a very small portion of the world, and that we are very fortunate to have everything that we do today. Also it showed me that we are not the smartest ether. This impacts my view on the United States academic growth, because we have very low scores compared to India and China. In the US, people are very lazy. Their watching too much TV, playing too many video games, ect. unlike other people around the world. In today’s world a lot of people are doing their jobs on something electronic like a laptop or computer. In the presentation, it was explaining how a “$1,000 computer will exceed the computing capabilities of the human race” or be as smart as the whole human race. I think that’s kind of scary, like robots are going to take over the world! The presentation also mentioned how we are living in exponential time, which means the numbers of people are increasing incredibly. Hopefuly we are perpared for the future.

Clare B. said...

The 2.0 presentation showed me that our world is moving really fast and we have a lot to look forward to. It will be interesting to see what lies in the future.

Kristen said...

The did you know 2.0 video made me think about all the people around the world. Many different peopleare doing so many different things at all different times. Ther are many childeren being born right now and many others dieing right now. Its hard to get your mind away from just Colorado and the people here. You have to think abou the whole world and what is has to offer.

Kristen said...

The video Did you know 2.0 really made mw think about all the people around the world. Many different people are doing many different things and many different times. There are childeren being born and people dieing. Its hard to get your mind off of just Colorado. We all have to thing of the whole world sometimes.

Carly I said...

the Did You Know 2.0 video made me think that our world id developing so much in technology it hard to wrap you mind around. also about how many new opportunities will come our way in the future, like new jobs. it also made me think about the world in 30 years from now, and how different it will be. this video was very powerful.

Alana W said...

i had already seen this before, but it always makes me think of how the world is advancing so quickly and how everybody is somehow affected by the changes

alexy said...

Did you know 2.0 was a very interesting presentation. I had also seen this clip in 7th grade. I didn't quite pay as much attention to it then as i did this year. This video made me think about the world and how much we as a whole use it. 100 years old we didn't need the internet, we didn't have one...but now, we can't live without it. Things happen everyday big and small that we would not know about without the help of the search engine on the internet. Without the internet the human race could not thrive o n it's own.

alexy said...
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Rae.A said...

When i was watching the did you know 2.0 video in English class, it made me think about that in about every 8 second 36 babies are born all over the world, and how life will be like for them when the get older and become adults or young adults, what will the world be like for them? will it barley be thriving? And that in about 10 years the number one english speaking counrty will be China! That mygeneration will have about 10 to 14 jobs by their 38th birthday. That in the last 10 years many of our college majors didnt even exist. That 4 year old kids know how to work the internet and are using computers. We are living in "Expodential Times" where would we be without all the technology that we have now? New information is developing evey 2 years and expected to double every 72 hours! this video made me think about people and mainly how lazy we have become, and me typing this im sitting in my room on my bed with my laptop in my lap talking about how we have become so lazy. With the electronics we have now, what if we didnt have them? maybe there would be less childhood obesity and we would be outside till the street lites come on playing tag or hopscotch, what happened to the good old days?

LindsayS said...

The Did You Know 2.0 really made me think. It showed how different the world is now a days from even twenty years ago. This also makes me think about what will be here twenty years from now. Our country has so much technology and I cannot believe my life without a computer or a TV. The video really opened my eyes to the world. It showed me that our world is only going to go up from here and get more advanced. I am very excited to see what is coming up!

Emily R. said...

The Did you Know 2.0 presentation made me think about how different everything was for now and a few years ago from a long time ago. Everything was so differet, and it also makes me think about how alot of other countries dont have what we do and it makes me feel very fortunate. It makes me think about what new things the world may bring.
English 9
period 1

Erin K said...

The Did You Know 2.0 presentation made me think about how fast the world is changing everyday, every minute. People come up with new ideas all around the world everyday. It really is amazing how many things can happen. It also made me think about a lot of stuff has happen and increased since it was made in 2006. I believe we have a good future ahead of us.

aprilA said...

The presentation of 2.0 makes me think about my future and what I would like to do to get to that goal.