Monday, November 12, 2007

Equality Within A Comparison?

Compare the idea of equality as used in the Declaration of Independence to the idea of equality as practiced in Anthem.


emilymc said...

the idea of equality in the Declaration of Independence is talking about having America's own equal rights and America wants to break away from Britian. The idea of equality in Anthem is displaying the factor of a man or womens equal rights to themself. In the Declaration of Independence, the writter used the term equality as a more of a way to pursuade and show Britian that the US needs to be a seperate country. In Anthem, the use of equality is that a certian man or women has the right to be equal and to be his or her self.

Nicole said...

Equality... well, in the Declaration Equality is when all men have equal rights. Rights to vote, bare arms, freedom of speec, etc. But in Prometheus's world, equality is communism! Everyone is poor(mainly considering that no one even gets paid), everyone is exactly the same! Which really sucks when you think about it.

caseyk said...

The sense of equality in the Declaration of Independence is that of not complete and total equality but through rights and oppurtunities. Equality in the Anthem is complete and ridiculous extreme and exact sameness.

KatieM said...

The Declaration of Independence states that all men are born equal and the they will recieve equal rights and oppurtunities within their community. The equality expressed in Anthem is complete equality where there is no difference or supiority.

ALimes said...

The Declaration of Independence was all about being independent, but in Anthem there is no independence at all. Equality in the book anythem means being equal with all your brothers and not being different. Equailty in the DOI is every individual persons are individual and equal. Everyone has rights in the DOI but in Anthem, you don't have any rights, you are told what to do by the Council. There is no individualism in Anthem

Brett M said...

The Decloration shows independence from other countries, not from the society. However it relates to The Anthem because this decloration gave the US freedom. The society in The anthem hasn't achieved this yet.

Anonymous said...

I think that equality in the Declaration of Independence is mostly
stating that we should have equal rights. But in Anthem, I think equality means more to have freedom as an individual.

Anonymous said...

I think that equality in the Declaration of Independence is mostly
stating that we should have equal rights. But in Anthem, I think equality means more to have freedom as an individual.

kelly w. said...

In the Declaration of Independence, men have equality in a sense that they get the same rights and have to follow the same rules, where as Prometheus lived in a utopia of literal equality. everyone had the same pay, living style, and even clothes. They were very limited in choice and were practically mindless working tools for the use of mandkind, or its leaders.

kelly w. said...
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mchiafalo said...


mchiafalo said...

in anthem "equal"means everyone is the same and no one is better than the other...even if you work for it[this is pretty much commmunism]the declaration of independence gives us all the right to be equal.....but to an extent! though we are equal[meaning we all have the right to do the same thing as everyone else in our country ie: voting and freedom of religion and speech]we are not forced to be exactly like everyone else!!!!

tessa s said...
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tessa s said...

the idea of equality to the decleration of independence is freedom. the right to haev a freedom of speech adn the freedom to wear and be what you want. also the respect giving to the men adn women the same. most of all the freedom of equal rights and the right to be as different as you want to be.

ShaneK said...

Equality is the state or quality of being equal. It shows in the Declaration of Independence because the people were tired of being ruled and wanted to start a free independent nation that everyone can be treated fairly. In Anthem, equality is still established but it is in a different manner. All the people are equal in it but it is not the same equal that the Declaration of Independence was talking about. The Anthem government is total equality while the United States is equality only in having a say in something.