Friday, October 25, 2019

"The Martian Chronicles" Film/Text Alignment?

In The Martian Chronicles Film Excerpt, did you notice text alignment? Text differences? Other? Please comment by 3:31p.m. on Fri., Oct. 25th.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Imperialism And "The Martian Chronicles?"

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking. Your blog response is due by Mon., Oct. 7th at  3:40p.m.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mars In Cartoon Form?

What does the 'Extrapolation'/ Disney Video Clip of Mars make you think about The Martian Chronicles? Any connections? Dissimilarities? Please respond after watching the Disney video excerpt. This blog response is due by 3:40p.m. on Thur., Oct. 3rd.