Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Technology And A Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem? Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class today.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Anthem" Echoes And Reflections?

Where do you "see" Anthem in your modern society?  Characters? Theme(s)?  Philosophy?  Text(s), etc...  You may write about the challenging and wonderful elements within the text.  Please specifically qualify your ideas. This blog is to be completed during class on October 29, 2014.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How does This Too Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society? Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response. This blog response should be completed in class by October 28th.