Monday, April 27, 2009

Choice Vs. Fate?

What roles do choice and fate play in Romeo and Juliet?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mercutio's Proclamation?

In Act III.i.113-115, Mercutio proclaims that, "... A plague o' both your houses!/ They have made worms' meat of me. I have it,/ And soundly too. Your houses!" What is he suggesting? Is it more than a dying observation? What is your understanding of the lines and its recitation in Act III?
(Due April 21st, Tuesday by 3:30p.m.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Pyramus/Thisbe" and "Romeo/Juliet?"

What "Big Ideas" do the Pyramus and Thisbe myth and Romeo and Juliet drama proclaim regarding love? Syhthesize, react, and challenge.